Monday, May 25, 2009

Luke's 1st excellent camping adventure

Memorial Day weekend at Forget-Me-Not!
My best photo of Grandma & Grandpa with all of their grandkids

Lots of fun here again, as always! I think Luke and Sophia enjoyed their first camping trip...along with all the other cousins!
The river & creek provided hours of entertainment.....and even dinner one night for Emma (yes, she insisted on sampling a crayfish...yuck!).

Mema and Pappy with all of their grandkids :)

Thanks to Jeff's kayak, we all took turns giving the kids the "20 minute" kayak trip...they all loved it! We even saw some pretty neat wildlife on some of the trips....Emma and I saw a Bald Eagle several times and Anna and I saw a turkey with several babies. The Bald Eagle wasn't especially thrilling for Emma.....she already had some incredible wildlife sightings: a baby deer that she was able to pet with a stick (her favorite) and a nest full of robin eggs!!!!! Ty boy & Nate had the best time running their trucks up and down Jeff's trailer, such boys! Perhaps most glorious of all these pictures is the one of Ella on the potty.....Yes, she is officially a big girl.....FINALLY potty trained!!!!!

We really missed you Aunt Lara & Uncle Jeffey!

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Anonymous said...

What a fun looking camping trip! Boy is Luke getting big! I just LOVE the girls new haircuts--it makes me think for a second that I want to cut mine off! Ella on the potty is great..and the boys and their trucks! So did Emma like the crayfish?!

Anonymous said...

Oh and Luke looks like such an easy going happy baby!! Reise is smiling non-stop and is soooo layed back!

Hetrick family said...

LOVE the pictures Jen! You did a great job capturing the fun too!! That was such a perfect weekend.

I had a few " I forgot that"...moments looking through your pictures too!!

Hetrick family said...

I have to add that my favorite part of the 1st pictures is looking at all the banged up legs and dirty can tell by that, those kids had an awesome weekend!

kirk and carrie said...

I love all the pictures. Nothing beats camping with the family. Emma is a brave girl. I'd be too grossed out to eat a crayfish and too scared or the mama deer to bet the baby, even with a stick!

Glad you guys all got to have some fun :)

The Shaffer Family said...

Jen, Love all the pictures. All your kids are so happy. I think it is great how you all go camping together and get together all so often! You all have beautiful families!

cristy said...

Wow. So many good photos. Your girls are babes! What a fun trip!