Saturday, May 16, 2009

Ty, Tractors, & Two!

Ty had LOADS of fun celebrating his big day....

His "two ta-tor" cake was a hit!
The smile on his face when he saw it made it well worth the effort :)

All things tractor made for Ty's dream day!
Thanks to Uncle Ben for the almost never-ending tractor rides. I love the picture of Ty alone in the wagon....patiently and anxiously awaiting another ride!

Any takers???......

Thanks to everyone for helping make this one of Ty's best days yet :)
(Bon, we didn't get a photo of all of you.....but here's Benny, representin' !)

We're glad you all stayed for the poker tournament....quickly becoming one of our after-birthday-party traditions!
Poker & Poker King....looks like you better practice up for August :)

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allison said...

I love that cake! Man, I think I need you to come & plan Josh his next party, that would have been a dream day for him!
Ty looks like he had SO much fun!
Happy Birthday Ty!!!

Anonymous said...

What an AMAZING cake! I still am trying to figure out how you made the adorable teapot cake and then you go and make a tractor cake! Ty definetly looks like he had a blast--he has a never ending smile on his face. All the pictures turned out great! You look wonderful...I like the picture of Luke and Sophia crying together. Looks like you pulled off yet again another fantastic party!

Fresh-You said...

Ty, you're really looking like Daddy! Jen, you are really rockin' with the up-to-date posts! Have a nice day!

Fresh-You said...

PS-the cake is amazing! You should be a professional! I thought the teapot was your best ever, but I think the tra-tor outdoes it!

Aimee said...

Okay, so I had to stop back to see what you were going to do with those doughnuts. Looks like all the hard work of trying to find them paid off. Are you kidding me girl, did you do that cake yourself?? I love it and I would also like to know if you hire out?? I couldn't make a cake like that to save my life. No wonder your sweet little guy has such a smile thats an awesome cake, let me know if I can place an order for one?

Hetrick family said...

Awesome pictures Jen. That party was great. Ty's parties have really been F-U-N!! Who would have thought we would top the stick horse races at his cowboy party! Seriously...when you are done making/having/raising babies--you should consider party planning. And I was DEAD serious about you coming up to help with my pirate ship cake. Put it on the calender. Thanks again for having us. We had a blast!

The Shaffer Family said...

What an amazing job on it all! Can I put an order in for Alex's next cake??? He's our John Deere Lover here.

Kristen Schnackenberg said...

Jenny - I have to say, you absolutely amaze me! I don't know how, with 5 kids, you get so much done! Your cakes are great, always, and you go above and beyond for the birthday parties! I need to take some lessons, because with 2 kids, I'm having a hard time just keeping up with the housework!

Anonymous said...

Hey girl! Awesome cake! Love your blog and getting to see all your cuties!!!-Sheri

Connie said...

Hi Jen, just catchin up on all your cuties!!
What an amazing day for Ty! Love that shirt!!

You and Bonnie amaze me-- soooo creative & productive, despite having 5 kids!!