Sunday, August 31, 2008

Farm boy at heart!

This is Ty's latest obsession....if we're outside, he's on Daddy's tractor! He climbs up in a flash, then wants to turn the key and try shifting gears...all of the buttons and levers just intrigue him! I'm pretty sure Jed's loving it :)

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Hetrick family said...

Oh Tyboy--you are something else!! If Clint were there he would be standing next to that tractor looking up at you as though you were Superman for your ability to climb! (Love your Michigan sweats)!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that this is just the BEGINNING of Ty's obsessions with Daddy's things. He's such a big boy.

The DeMotte Seven said...

Oh Ty Boy! You are getting so big and handsome! Benny would love to be sitting on the tractor with you now! Can't wait to see you soon!