Friday, August 22, 2008

Here are some more of the good times and great fun! It really was nice to spend the week with the family and see all of the kids enjoy each other so much! A huge thank you to Weez and Mema and Pappy for making it all happen :)
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Hetrick family said...

This entire collage is GREAT. There are some really touching, tender shots. HOWEVER, Ian and I can't tear our eyes from Ben and Jed jumping on the whale and ball!! We laughed so hard and then Ian said "That looks like someone could get hurt. They look really close to the wall!" To which I turned at stared at him with a "WHAT???" look on my face, and then he got an embarrassed look on his, and just started laughing at the picture again! Ah-uh..caught him in a "dad" moment since he is always catching me in "mom" moments! Thanks for all the new posts. We thoroughly enjoyed them this morning!

Anonymous said...

What great pictures. Now I see what you meant by having a difficult time picking out which pictures to post. I love them all. Connie looks like she was in mema heaven! Thank you for sharing your trip with us!

The DeMotte Seven said...

WOW, these pictures are fantastic! My favorite is the girls laying in the sand at night with Ty sitting on Em's back. I wish he was looking! Looks like you had a wonderful time and made a lot of great family memories! I am really trying not to harbor any pangs of jealousy! Ha!