Monday, August 11, 2008

No more curls!

Considering that he's 15 months old tomorrow, Ty's 1st haircut has been long overdue....but, until recently, I just couldn't part with his baby curls! Today, I went for it....he kept turning his head, so it took a while.... but I love how it turned out! I think he's just as handsome as handsome, in fact, that I had to post all of these!!!!! His sister's love it too, saying, "he looks even cuter without his curls, Mommy"! I agree :)
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Hetrick family said...

I LOVE IT!! I wish you would have done it Sunday so I could see it in person. I think it looks way cuter too!! Not that he wasn't adorable with curls, but I almost think it makes him look younger. He and Clint are REALLY going to be dead ringers from behind now. Nice job...and to think, you doubted yourself!!!

Anonymous said...

That must of been sooo.. hard to take that first cut of curls. But boy does he look handsome!

Lara said...

HANDSOME BOY!! I think it looks great!! Good job.

Anonymous said...

He is such a cutie! Looks really good!