Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Our gummi bear baby!

I had my 1st appt. w/ the dr. today and was surprised to learn that we'd get to see the baby again! Here's our little one at 9 weeks 2 days! He/ She is looking right at you!

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Anonymous said...
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Hetrick family said...

My pictures are REALLY hard to see because she zoomed way in. Basically though, it looked the same only I felt like the arms and legs were longer, but that could just be your picture. We saw definite kicking/jumping, which was amazing. I love our gummies!

Anonymous said...

I think it looks like a boy! hahaha! What a surprise for you guys to have another ultrasound! Very cool! Thanks for sharing him/her with all of us.

Fresh-You said...

This makes me so excited for you Jenny! And all of you :) And I can't believe I'm not pregnant any more :~ Good job with all the posts! Looks like you've all been having fun as always :)

Fresh-You said...

This makes me so excited for you Jenny! And all of you :) And I can't believe I'm not pregnant any more :~ Good job with all the posts! Looks like you've all been having fun as always :)