Saturday, August 09, 2008

Beware of sharks galore..... we celebrate, beach style, Anna turning 4!!!!

Boo never ceases to amaze us.....and choosing the theme for her birthday party was no different. Months ago she says to me, "I want a shark party, Mom". The girl always knows exactly what she wants, so I knew it wasn't something she'd change her mind on. It's just not the typical party theme that a 4 yr. old girl requests.....but then again, what's typical about Anna? Thankfully, she is one-of-a-kind :) We all embraced the shark party and had oceans of fun! Happy 4th Birthday, sweetheart.....We love you so much!

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Hetrick family said...

Happy Birthday Boo. You are one amazing little girl. We love you so much!

Anonymous said...

Spectacular job on the cake! Anna looks so grown-up!

Fresh-You said...

Anna, you are so very pretty :)

Anonymous said...

I love all of the birthday pictures, it looks like it was a lot of fun!
It must be nice getting the cousins together like that! I can tell they love it!