Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Our first little "Kinder"!

Emma has been counting down the days until her 1st day of Kindergarten....and it's finally here!!!! Thankfully, she couldn't be more excited! What a day to tug on Mommy's (and Daddy's) heartstrings, though.....I'm teary-eyed even now just thinking of her letting go of my hand this morning and climbing onto the bus (ok, I lie.....I'm bawling)...it is a moment, filled with so many emotions, that I will never forget.

From the sounds of it, she had a super day! Her favorite thing about school, an emphatic "EVERYTHING"!!!! Definitely a tired girl, though....I think she was more excited to have beloved bunny in her arms again than any of us :) Anna worked hard to help make her a special 1st day after school snack and she was thrilled!!!

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Hetrick family said...

When did Emma turn 10?!?!

Emma, you look so big and beautiful!! I love the outfit you picked for your first day of school--absolutely precious! You made Aunt Amy cry with these pictures, you just look so excited and proud of yourself. We are so proud of you too! That sure was nice of Boo and Mommy to make you cupcakes. I am sure they missed you so much! Alivia was so excited to see your bus (and your cupcakes, but that goes unsaid). Thank you sweet Em for being such a great big cousin and always being such a good example for all the little kids. We are so excited to hear about all your "kinder" adventures and I can't wait to see the folder Mommy told me you have!! We love you so much sweet girl!! Hope to see you soon!
Uncle Ian, Aunt Amy, Alivia, and Clint XOXOXO

Anonymous said...

I can't believe she's in school already! I would of been a "huge" bawl baby too! Just the thought of Adi going to school brings tears to my eyes! Just know that you raised her well and that this is just another milestone that she has to experience to grow to be an even bigger and stronger little person. You did good mommy! The cupcakes are beautiful--you are so creative!

The DeMotte Seven said...

Wow, how is it that I cry more looking at the pictures of Emma going to Kindergarten than when Maria actually went??? She looks so mature and excited. It doesn't seem like that long ago when I came up to Leeper to visit and introduce Maria to Emma when she was 8 days old! How time flies! We are so happy for you, Emma! We can't wait to get together so you and Maria can trade Kindergarten stories! Thanks so much Jen for taking the time to post all of the pics! We are so appreciative! Miss you all tons!

The DeMotte Seven said...

Forgot one thing...Love Love Love the shoes!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad I'm not the only one who teared up looking at this post! I think the picture of her running past the bus is the cutest thing I've ever seen! So classic!
only one more year until Abby starts:(

kirk and carrie said...

She's such a big girl! Those cupcakes are great, the apple and chalk are awesome. Her eyes are beautiful in that cupcake picture. She's such a cute little girl :)

cristy said...

What a beauty! The picture of her running home from the bus is the best. The cupcakes were a really nice touch. I hope all of her school days send her home with such a big smile!