Emma has had a loose tooth for the past couple days, and it's finally out......WoooHooooooo!!!! We jumped around in excitement like a bunch of crazies!!!! She couldn't wait to look in the mirror and see her new grin, here it is :)
FYI.....Boo doesn't like this picture of Emma cause she thinks she "doesn't kind of recognize her being a big kid" (little Anna has a bit of a Peter Pan complex with growing up......apparently she's taking it a step further and doesn't want anyone else to grow up either)!

Look at how tiny her 1st lost baby tooth really is (esp. next to the bribe that encouraged her to let Daddy yank it out!)!!! I think all the kids want a loose tooth now just to get candy corn!!!!!

The excitement of the tooth fairy and SOOOOO many questions followed! I remember loving the magic of the tooth fairy, such good memories of her......especially those times when I'd wake in the morning to see what she'd left, only to discover my tooth still tucked safely in my little tooth pillow (Mom and I had a good laugh over this) :) :) :) Mom just had me (well, I'm sure it happened to all of us) put it back under my pillow, in hopes that the "tooth fairy" would make it there the next night.....and I'm not kidding, sometimes this happened a night or two before that darn tooth fairy would finally come!!!! Now I can really relate to "her" and understand why she used to be so "busy" that she'd sometimes forget to fulfill her tooth-taking duties!!!!! Of course, none of THESE memories of the tooth fairy were actually shared with the girls....I'm just thinking out loud here and secretly hoping that "she" can remember when she's on duty, and keep it magical :)
Anyhoot....I set to work and surprised Emma with her own little tooth pillow, inspired by mine as a kid (I'm hoping that, when I wash it, the edges frey, to match her ragtime quilt) :) She was thrilled with it (I think loved that it was "like mine") and had her little tooth inside the pocket and all of it under her pillow in a flash!!!!

Awwww... Wow, the changes just keep coming!! Emma's new grin is precious. I adore Boo's Peter Pan complex--she is something else. So funny to revisit the old tooth fairy memories. Mom forgetting things (tooth fairy, picking us up from the bus stop, picking us up from XC practice....) seems to dominate a good portion of our childhood. Yes, we shall let that serve as our reminder.....:):)
Amazing job on the tooth pillow. It is exactly like ours, only cuter fabrics in my opinion. What is the going rate for a tooth these days?? I am sure she will be excited to visit Mommy's store after realizing that fairy shells out dough! :) Love you and good job with the current post!
I love the missing tooth grin! And the tooth pillow--what a great idea! How special to pass down a tradition of your past times on to your children. I wish I knew how to sew, my mom is an expert but my sisters and I were all too busy with sports to sit down and learn. I will have to put in an order when Adi gets close to losing a tooth! You are, like I've told you countless times, "supermom!"
Congrats EMMA! We love the new smile!!!
Jen, you are Supermom for sure! I don't know how you find the time to sew, but I am sure Emma appreciates it so much that you do! You are so good at making special memories for the kids. I can't wait to show Maria the post. She is in her room right now for "tudilicious" behavior, as Ryan and I like to call it!
How sweet! We have had a missing tooth for awhile now, how fun it is to play tooth fairy!
That is so cute! Tommy Toothpick used to visit us at our house! You'll have to ask your dad about that one. Maybe my mom just made that one up? He'd go on adventures though our house & play with our toys etc. Then he'd write us a letter complete with pictures & leave it along with some $ under the pillow.
My mom must have had a mason jar full of teeth hidden some where by the time Sam was losing teeth. Seriously 10 kids x lots of baby teeth = whoa, I can't even think about it!
I was going to ask the same thing Ally did...ask your dad about Tommy Toothpick. When Colton was about to lose teeth, it became a big deal in our house over whether Tommy would come or the Tooth Fairy. Bill couldn't see how our kids would survive not having the regular Tooth Fairy. I told him that the 10 of us were duped for years & our kids would make it. I'm telling you, it is the most tedious thing! "Tommy" writes this long-winded note about all the crazy things he's done in their bedroom or other parts of the house, draws a picture of himself at the bottom, leaves money & takes the tooth. The kids think this is the most hilarious thing & you can get pretty nuts with it, but believe me..."Tommy" is sometimes late, or misses our house, too, because it's such a chore! lol Anyhow, ask your dad...we Beatty's need some documentation that he's "real" ...lol
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