Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mommy & Me.....16 1/2 weeks!!!

We are BOTH growing!!! Mommy just felt my soft, little kicks within this last week...thank goodness!....other than making her throw-up on Emma's 1st day of school.....she might have forgotten I was in here :) My heartrate at the dr. has been high, 160's, so some of you may find yourselves jumping to the conclusion that I'm a girl (including Mommy).....but I just might be a baby brother for Ty, afterall!!!!
You'll all love me either way.............right, Ty?????????????????

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Hetrick family said...

I finally felt kicks this week too!!! How exciting! That is an awesome picture of you. You picked up a pretty good tan at the beach! So glad to see a new post. We love Emma, but I think I read "Our first Kinder" twice a day for the last month :)
I'll call you tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

You look so..... cute!!! You have a cute little baby belly! And of course that is the only place where you have any weight, you look great! I figured that I would wait until my ultrasound to take a belly picture. With Adi I swear I took one every week! You were wrong--your tan has NOT faded! Ditto to what Amy said about a new post!!

Anonymous said...

Jenny you look so cute! It looks like it's your first because you are so tiny...who'd have guessed it's #5!!!

The Shaffer Family said...

wow! you look great!!!m i love it when you all post your belly shots!!

cristy said...

You look like you might have a cheeseburger in your belly...not a baby! You look great! Can't wait to hear what you're having!

Fresh-You said...

Ditto! Ditto! Ditto! You're a total babe! I don't think you'll even fit into maternity clothes! Very nice color too!

Can't wait to see you this weekend, and I'll be so happy if you can't make it b/c of what that will mean for you!

Love, Colleen :)

The DeMotte Seven said...

Wow, you look awesome! That is such a beautiful picture of you. Jed shouldn't fuss about taking them, he should be excited about his hot wife! Thanks for the new post, I have to agree with Amy!

Anonymous said...

wow, jenny! you have a tiny little bean in there just like amy! actually, you should see mary...with twins, i don't know if she's even as big as either of you. of course, i haven't seen her in a couple of weeks, but she's small! anyway, you look great jenny....like the tan! :)