The long.......
Today was a dr. day. I took Luke for his 2 month check-up, Ty had his 2 year check-up, & and we added Anna to the mix because she complained of an ear ache the night before. Anyhow, turned out Anna does have a slight ear infection, Ty is doing great, and then we come to Luke. First off, he's a sturdy 13lbs. 3 oz......24 inches!!!!! Sophia, you have him beat....but you hide it so very well in those cute thighs of yours :) Here's where the story gets long. He has a nasty cough, which she heard in the she did a nasal smear to test for rsv & the flu & said we'd have to take it over to the lab at the hospital. Then she goes on to say, I'm gonna also have him get a chest x-ray and his oxygen levels checked. REAL casually, she adds, "and depending on his oxygen levels, he may have to be admitted". WHAT???? I had no idea she was getting to that....I was just hoping that wouldn't be the case. So, we headed over to the hospital &, luckily, his oxygen was great.....super news!!!!! So then we went on to Walmart to pick up Boo's prescription & wait for the dr. to call with the other results: no flu!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank goodness!!! She just said to give him saline drops to loosen the mucous so that he doesn't choke on the drainage (sorry for the detail). He was still coughing pretty bad this morning, but doesn't seem bothered by it, & no fever. So hopefully it really is just the annoying cough that seems to be hanging on at our house!
The short.......
So, while we were waiting in walmart I asked the girls if they wanted to get a haircut & they both screamed "yes" & started jumping up & down & clapping & dancing around......for some reason my kids get oh-so excited about "going somewhere" to get their haircut, whatever the reason, I'll take it!!!! Honestly though, I should be the one so excited about this......I got to stand there & watch Ty, Ella, & Anna sit so still & so quietly while they simultaneously got cuts, which took 15 minutes total!!!! Ty got the cut which I normally TRY to give him....cute. Anna just got a trim telling me: "Mommy, I only want a trim cause Papa likes my hair long"! I told her it didn't matter what he thought & asked her if SHE wanted it long. She said yes, so a trim she got.....not much different. Then on to Ella....the lady & I apparently weren't communicating well together.......her hair got butchered. Front to back, her hair was about 4 inches different in length, with all these crazy layers in between, not what I had in mind for my sweet little Ella!!!!!!! I called Jed, wanting to cry, over her horrible cut....which he, in true Jed style replies, "it's only hair,'ll grow back". He doesn't understand. I am determined to try and fix her hair, so after dinner we race around town, hoping that some hair place is open & can take her........Jed is less than pleased with me. We totally luck out with Cara, who transformed Ella's disaster cut into the cutest little bob I could have ever imagined!!!!! Here's the best part.......for 5 bucks!!!!!!!!! Can you believe it? The other plus is that I'll no longer have to battle her while trying to brush her hair.....THAT was getting pretty bad, I have no idea how you do it, Allison!