Thursday, November 05, 2009


Ty + Nate + A jar of vaseline

This is where the fun ended for them :)

FYI: The internet tip that saved the day: Cornstarch!!!!

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Hetrick family said...

hahahah Those are great pictures of the boys!! They have so much fun together. I bet Ty is so thankful for his cousin, Nate. They are such good buddies. That sure looked like a MESS!!

The last picture is perfect! :)

The Shaffer Family said...

OMG, those are great pictures!! What memories!

cristy said...

OH NO!!!!! What a couple of stinkers! This made me laugh out loud. Glad you caught some of that action on camera & glad your blogging again, so the rest can enjoy!

allison said...

oh no! abby & callie did that once...they also wiped it all over our closet door that was a mirror. man it is hard to clean!
but makes for some very funny memories!!! cute boys!

Anonymous said...

what a great moment captured, of course i can sit here and laugh about it b/c it didn't happen at my house! they look like such good buddies. they are going to do a lot of learning from each other both good and bad! love the cornstarch picture!

Connie said...

NO WAY! What a mess! You have the patience of a saint! But alas, it will make for a great story when they're eachother's best man at their weddings :-)