Friday, November 13, 2009

And HE'S off too...

Yesterday, I had just laid Luke down for a nap and was changing Ty, when Jed got home from work & walked into their room...only to notice Pookie doing this:

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Hetrick family said...

:) He's so precious. His face says, "LOOK AT ME!!" Wow does he remind me of Elle's baby pictures!

Anonymous said...

he definetly reminds me of ella too! time to lower the'll have to add that to the many things on your to-do list! sorry about not being so talkative the other day, was trying to fight the urge to throw up, everything's ok--must be my nerves! can't wait to see you guys!

cristy said...

So darn cute! He sure looks ready to go. Pete has the same blanket as Lukie.

The DeMotte Seven said...

Look at you updating your blog regularly now!!! Thanks!!! Pookie is getting way too big, way too quickly. Slow down Pookie!!! I can't even tell you how much fun we had visiting on Wed.! Thanks for sharing your life with us!!! Dan is still saying "Ni Ni Pookie"!

allison said...

isn't he young for such a stunt? very good little luke!!!
he really looks a lot like ella, maybe it's the hair....such a cutie!

The Fiscus Family said...

Cristy, Luke loves that blanket!....a gift from Mary & your Mom :)