Wednesday, November 11, 2009

And she's off...

Anna has been determined to learn to ride her bike, ever since Emma learned over the summer. With a slight push, she could balance & pedal, but it was the 'getting started' part that was tricky. We were busy cleaning the yard on Wednesday when all of the sudden (as she's biking towards me) she yells "Hey Mom, LOOK....Emma taught me!"


Hetrick family said...

Way to go BOO!!! Can't wait to see it in person!!

Anonymous said...

i remember how exciting it was when i was a kid to learn how to ride my bike! she must be thrilled with herself! great video!

cristy said...

how exciting & how cute that emma helped he figure it all out. what are sisters for?

The DeMotte Seven said...

Awesome Boo! Now we can ride together! Love, your prince, Jake

allison said...

so cute & i love that she gave emma the credit!