Monday, March 09, 2009

who'd have guessed.....

....that I'd be pregnant with Baby #5 the longest?????!!!

........that I somehow had this baby's due date (slightly) wrong all along, I thought it was the 8th, but found out today that it's the 10th!

I saw the dr. today and also found out that I'm 4 cm & almost completely thinned out. I also lost 4 lbs.....that's always been a sign for me that I'm getting close :) He offered to send me up to the hospital to have this baby, but he knew I would choose to wait for nature to run its course. So, he was fine with letting me go but is insisting I head to the hospital when contractions get consistent again. He's guessing he'll see me soon....we'll see though, #5 just seems to be keeping us guessing!!!!!

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cristy said...

Jenny! I LOVE it! You are all belly. I mean it. You are too stinkin' cute. I see why you have so many kids now --- you look so darn good pregnant! I am kidding. I know there are other reasons. Right?

I hope you are feeling great! We will continue to wait for your news. I know your baby will be just as precious as little Sophia.

allison said...

Your belly is unreal! You stay so tiny (all of you but the belly:)!
I was thinking you were over due...maybe tomorrow will be the day?!?
Can't wait to hear the news!

kirk and carrie said...

Kirk said, "Whoa! Did she pop yet?"

That exactly what you look you're gonna pop! I hope this baby comes soon even if you are so cute pregnant.

Glad to see you're still smiling. I can't wait to hear the big announcement. I bet the kids are going crazy with all the waiting!

Mary said...

When I saw you had a new post I thought, "Jenny had her baby!" No dice. Hang in there, I'm sure it's only a matter of hours, not days at this point!

Anonymous said...

Jenny I have NEVER seen a belly like that--it is sticking out so far! It almost looks like it's fake. I think it looks so far out b/c the rest of your body is still skinny! It won't take you long to lose the weight, it's ALL in your belly! You look adorable!
I would pay to see you running still! I laugh everytime I think of people passing you on the road!
And thank you sooooo much for the beautiful dress for Reise and purse of goodies for Adisen. You are way too generous, thank you! Adisen thought the purse straps were made of candy and wanted us to "get out the candy" all night. I think she's finally over it now!

Hetrick family said...

Oh Jen, that belly of yours somehow exceeds the limits of gravity! It truly is amazing!

Sophia is waiting patiently for her closest cousin (of course it has been easy for her to be patient--she's only waited 4 days!)

The anticipation is killing us, but we are not going to call every hour to check if you are home. He/She can't be long.....right?!?!

The Shaffer Family said...

Oh Jenny, Your belly looks like it hurts!!! It's unreal. I love it, though. Hey--on another note, I need your address, we went private, and need to add you whenever all the excitement slows down. Great post! kelli

Fresh-You said...

I keep checking!!!! Your picture is SOOOOOOO cute! What a funny belly! so long! I ran in the pouring rain tonight! So fun! Love ya, Colleen :)