Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Our Baby Story

It's a BOY!!!!

Luke Alan Fiscus

8 lbs. 9 oz.
21 inches

March 10, 2009

5:30 pm - Jed had just taken the kids outside to play and I sat down on the couch, felt one contraction, & somehow just knew it was the beginning of labor...finally!!!!! I started timing the contractions, which were 8-10 minutes apart.

6:30 pm - Jed & I head for the hospital (normally an hour & 15 minute trip, which turned into a 52 minute drive!!) No danger of me delivering in the car though.....contractions were still about 8 minutes apart & I could still candle-blow through them.

7:22 pm - We arrive at the hospital, begin paperwork, & get set-up in the delivery room!

8:00 pm - Dr. Ferreria checks me & finds me to be 6+ cm, so he breaks my water. Almost immediately, my contractions amp up to 2 minutes apart, so Jed & I begin our routine of walking the halls & breathing through contractions together...so happy to be back at Titusville Hospital :)

9:00 pm - Contractions are starting to double up on me & Dr. Ferreira checks me again.....I'm at 8 cm. They need to monitor baby some now, so we stand beside the bed (I just can't bare to think of laboring in that bed!) & Jed helps me get through the worst of the contractions.

9:21 pm - 10 cm....time to push...my least favorite part, as I never have the "urge" to do so! Upon my request, Jed gets the video camera rolling (although I still haven't watched it)!

9:41 pm - After 20 minutes of pushing, the room erupts with "It's a BOY".......we can't even tell you how happy we are to welcome another precious son into our family :)

More pictures to come soon.....Luke's hungry :)

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Fresh-You said...

Yay! Yay! Yay! He's adorable!!! What a lovely family :) Thank you for sharing! We are so excited for you guys! God bless you! Anna thinks "he's bigger than Carla!" He's just perfect! You guys are quite a gang! Love ya!

Sorry I guessed wrong on spelling Alan :~

Kristen Schnackenberg said...

Congratulations, Jenny and family! How exciting to have another boy! He's so sweet :) I can't wait to see more of him!

The Shaffer Family said...

He is so handsome! AND, I love his name! We spelled Owen's middle name the same way--after my dad and brother. Thanks so much for sharing. It's been long awaited. Hope you all are settled into a new routine...You have a beautiful family. What blessings!!

Anonymous said...

What a handsome little boy...and what a great story. The family picture is absolutely priceless--what a beautiful moment to remember! We are so thrilled for you and your family and we are looking forward to hopefully seeing you guys this summer. Thanks for posting the pictures..I know that it isn't that easy with 5 kids. Wow 5--did you ever imagine that someday you and Jed would have 5 wonderful, healthy children?!? You two make a beautiful, happy family! Who knows David and I might be following in your footsteps, as many as it takes to get a boy! Congratulations again and I will be talking to you again soon! And take care of yourself and get plenty of sleep! We love you guys and are thinking of you all!

allison said...

Awwww! Such a great family picture! You have the cutest little (um, maybe little isn't the right word) family!!!
I love all of the pictures & it is good to hear it went well! Thanks for sharing & congrats!!!

Pollock Family said...

I'm Tiffany's sister, & just want to congratulate you guys. He is gorgeous!!!! You have a beautiful family!!!!!

Hetrick family said...

Oh Luke. You are even more handsome in person! Welcome to the family little buddy!

Congratulations Fiscus Seven!!! He is perfect! Jen, you are amazing.

P.S. Liv cried for at least 30-40 minutes on the way home because it was "TOO LOOOONNNGG" until Ella's party.

cristy said...

Congrats! He is beautiful. I liked reading the story of Luke. He looks like the perfect addition to an already wonderful family!

I *love* that family shot of you all on the bed! It's priceless.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! He is adorable. How exciting! I hope we get to meet you all sometime soon! Love, Sheri

Kerry McGuire said...


How sweet! Everytime I read your blog it makes me smile! Your family is gorgeous and I am so happy for you on the arrival of your latest little bundle of joy....he's adorable!

I figured this was the best way to try and contact you. With all of the moves and life transitions, our info keeps changing. If you don't know already, DJ and I are getting married and we would love for you to join us at the wedding in November. Here is my e-mail:


Send me your address and I'll mail out your save the date.

