Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mommy & Me......36 1/2 weeks!

Here we are....growing ever more!!! Everyone is getting very excited for my arrival! Mommy saw the dr. today and found out she is 2 cm. dilated :) So, reality is setting in for her and she is nesting like crazy.....franticly trying to fulfill the insatiable desire to stock medicine, cleaning supplies, and if she won't be at a store again till next year!!! Too bad for everyone else that she isn't stocking the freezer like that :)

Where'd you come from...?!!!!!!

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Anonymous said...

Oh,my. Baby is getting ready. But I was dialated several weeks before Jayla was born. As for the nesting, you never feel like you got enough accomplished. I had a list, and tried like crazy to get everything done. Like baby really cared if all the light fixtures were clean when she came home!! lol

Anonymous said...

Love your little round belly--it's sticking right out there! If it wasn't for the belly I wouldn't even of known you were pregnant! 2 cm. dilated--YEAH!!!! I laughed about you stocking up on things b/c that's what I am doing too. I have several gallons of milk in the freezer right now!! Any day now......

Hetrick family said...

Your skin looks SO STRETCHED in the head-on picture!! I see you are working the velor pants too, but I am guessing you're not wearing Jedder's panties :)

The Shaffer Family said...

I keep waiting for a phone call from Amy to tell me that SOMEONE is in labor!!!!! The suspence is killing me! You look great, by the way, too. :):)

allison said...

You look really good, but I imagine you aren't too terribly comfortable!
As for your post below, I had to laugh that the little girls wanted to be sick too! Callie never lets anyone go through sickness alone...she is ALWAYS sick if someone else is! I love that you can see who's really sick just by the faces alone...poor Emma:(
Glad you're back to blogging!