Monday, January 26, 2009

A few cute ones

Emma ended up with strep throat this week....but all of the girls claimed to be "sick" the first day! They dragged their pillows and loveys into our bed with Emma & pleaded for medicine & toast in bed....they might have had some chance of me believing, if it weren't for those faces of theirs!!!!!!

Couldn't resist this....

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Anonymous said...

Poor Emma--but the other girls look mighty happy! That's a really cute picture.
Then there's Ty playing Mr.Handy Man...I laugh everytime I look at the picture. I keep seeing Jed and Lanny in him.

Hetrick family said...

:) Nice try Boo and Elle, but Mommy's right, you need to work on your "faking sick" skills. Never smile when Mom is in the room! :) Emma looks miserable!

Ty--you look great. Liv said you look like Handy Manny!

Hetrick family said...

And might I add, Ella's side ponytail is to die for!

cristy said...

Poor Emma. Hope she's feeling better.

Amy is right... Ella's side ponytail is precious!

It looks like Ty is officially a big boy now.

The Shaffer Family said...

Hey Jen!!
Been looking for ya out our way, but havn't seen you yet. You'll have to post pictures of your house soon. Amy said it's beautiful. I need you to come and decorate or rearrange my house soon. My decorating needs help. I hope you are feeling as well as you look. I can't wait to see what all you guys are having! I can't get over how much Emma looks like Jed, Anna looks like you, and Ella is a mix. Ty looks like Anna. Wonder who this baby will look like? I think you are having another girl, so that means a boy...I am always wrong. Couldn't remember if I told you my prediction yet.