We've been finding him walking around the house like this, at random........I love it & he KNOWS it! He'll "subtly" walk past me with hands in pockets, his beaming smile, and a face that is screaming "I know you can't resist me, Mom".....then mosey on past, confident that I'll be chasing him down to smother him in tickles & kisses!

I can totally picture his "all knowing" sly little face! That Ty-boy knows how to get Mommy RIGHT where he wants her! I hope he is able to adjust to #5. I have never even thought about it with the girls, but something about TY....
Then again, you know what, HE WILL BE FINE, these boys have been playing our heartstrings since they arrived. How did they do it???!? Little stinker has us feeling all concerned for him--we are so gullible! Well played Tyboy, you are a charmer and THEN SOME!
What a handsome little man he is! If we move back to PA and will be fun to see Ty and Adi together.
I love how his whole face lights up when he smiles---and VERY stylish outfit--LOVE it!
I look forward to experiencing the magical bond between a mother and a son!
You better get on that hospital bag..I think all 3 of us are anxiously awaiting one another to deliver the "unknown" sexes!!!
Wish Ty would have pulled that out while I was visiting. He's so darn adorable. Can't wait to hear baby news!!!
I know that nesting feeling...Isn't it great, though??
...Alex used to do the same thing...Ty is so handsome...Very nice outfit...The next GQ model...
That is so funny!
I can see why you love that boy so much!!!
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