Sunday, November 09, 2008


Jed and I were cracking up when we found Emma playing SORRY with her beloved bunny, while she patiently waited for us to join her!!!! You'd think the girl needed a few siblings or something, wouldn't you????

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The DeMotte Seven said...

This is an absolutely adorable picture! I LOVE how Bunny is propped up perfectly opposite of Emma. I pulled out Operation yesterday for my kiddos after you told me how much the girls liked Sorry. It was hilarious. Here's to board games!

Hetrick family said...

Oh Emma, such a sweet, sweet soul!!

If only she had some kids to play with...

Anonymous said...

Two words--- TOO CUTE! Atleast she's using her imagination!

The Shaffer Family said...

My brother used to have 2 imaginary friends....Be-up and Beatle-bottle. We ALWAYS had to include them in everything at home. I think it's sweet.