Monday, November 03, 2008

FINALLY....we feed the ducks!!!

Everytime we pass this park, on the way to Lara's, the kids always ask "when can we feed the ducks"...well, today was their lucky day (the kids' and the ducks')!!! These ducks were serious vultures....and kept following the kids around, impatiently waiting for more handouts. They quickly realized that they weren't even getting a crumb from Ty....when I told him "throw it to the ducks" he quickly shoved the bread in his mouth as if HE desperately needed it!!! (I was laughing at your "wack wack" post, Allison....yes, we have creative kids!) Thanks for a fun day Aunt Lara and Uncle Jeffey :)

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cristy said...

You've got some brave kiddos. That looks down right scary!

Anonymous said...

Your house looks awesome...LOVE the Halloween costumes & the duck feeding! It's always fun seeing what you're up to!
Oh, how can I forget, I love the game of SORRY, bunny style! That is funny!

The DeMotte Seven said...

Oh so cute, and the girls are looking so stylish! Love the striped knee socks Em! I noticed Boo's red shoes too, so cute! Can't wait to see you guys soon! Miss you tons!

Hetrick family said...

That is the craziest duck park ever!! So much fun though! Glad the girls finally go to stop before they leave State College!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful park, and it's amazing how the ducks just swarm around the kids. I love the picture of Anna walking with the pack, and the one of Ty stealing some bread for himself!