Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pumpkin carvers....

...atleast for a minute! This scene didn't last too long.....

Before I knew it, Boo had my camera and was taking pictures of her shadow, the worm on the sidewalk, and anything else of interest to her......while Ella grabbed my cell phone & was chatting it up!

Eventually, Emma and I got the messy job done,

& she was oh so proud of them :)

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Anonymous said...

The pumpkins look great! Emma definetly looks proud of them. Ella took some really neat shots. It's neat seeing pictures taken from a little kid's point of view. Is that the porch at your house?

Hetrick family said...

Awww...way to stick to it Em!! Well done!

The Fiscus Family said...

Yep, that's our front porch....until Dec. 19th, anyhow!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a beautiful house. For some reason I imagined an older looking house. Just because of the remodeling projects.