Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Birthday, Grandma!

We love you so much!!!
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Anonymous said...

Great picture of all the kids. Ella and Ty stand out to me--because I can't believe how fast they are growing. Ella looks like she's almost caught up with Anna. Beautiful family!

Fresh-You said...

Lots of fun pics and stories! Funny about Ella and naps - our Anna didn't sleep again this afternoon. Your Baby is so perfect! Your Anna with the camera - Ha! So cute! Ty looks so much like your Anna in his bed, what a big boy! I guess I better get posting - time sure flies! Thanks for sharing :) Have a nice Sunday!

Hetrick family said...

This picture really shows how close in age they all are, because they DO look so similar in size!!

Ella looks like she is up to something here! Such beautiful babes!

I love how Colleen has to specify "your Anna, our Anna" :)

Fresh-You said...

That's not Ty right?!?!?! If it is - oh my goodness!!!