.......hmmmmm, not so much!
Ella's naptimes in her big girl bed have been hardly that. The first few times she just couldn't contain her newly found independence, so she quietly got into everything she could get her hands on (socks, wipes, diaper cream, toothpaste...you name it) repeatedly....and I was always amazed that Ty was able to sleep through it all. I was forced to "Ella proof" their room (or so I thought), leaving only their books. I was so sure I solved the problem, so when I heard them "wake up" after their nap, I was so surprised to find...
....this one, looking oh so guilty.....

....and this one, ultra-excited about his crib full of books (I couldn't help but laugh!)!!!!!
Ella's naptimes in her big girl bed have been hardly that. The first few times she just couldn't contain her newly found independence, so she quietly got into everything she could get her hands on (socks, wipes, diaper cream, toothpaste...you name it) repeatedly....and I was always amazed that Ty was able to sleep through it all. I was forced to "Ella proof" their room (or so I thought), leaving only their books. I was so sure I solved the problem, so when I heard them "wake up" after their nap, I was so surprised to find...
....this one, looking oh so guilty.....

....and this one, ultra-excited about his crib full of books (I couldn't help but laugh!)!!!!!
What a great captured moment. Ella's look on her face is priceless and Ty is getting SOOOO.. big. That is quite the stunt Ella pulled---the things kids think up--when we think we have it all figured out!
Awesome pictures you really captured the guilt and the glee from both of them!
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