Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Back to School!

Emma is off to First Grade!!!

We'll sure miss her...

.....but she's home before we know it!!!!

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Hetrick family said...

Oh Em. so big. So fast.

Super cute sister shots!!

cristy said...

1. Love the Emma's cut.

2. Emma's hair grows FAST! Comparing her hair here to the new family picture is crazy. It's like a weed.

3. I want your house!

4. Ella's eyes crack me up.

5. Love the matching pants!

6. Did you invent the ham bit, cheese stick, buggle pencil? If so, maybe you should have been Einstein for Halloween! Sheer genius!

7. Clearly, you're one heck of a mom!

The Fiscus Family said...

Cristy...Unfortunately I was NOT the inventor of the cheesestick pencil, aren't they great?! Family Fun is chalked full of great snack ideas :)