Sunday, December 07, 2008

Mommy & Me.....27 weeks!!!

We continue to grow :) My kicks are so strong now that everyone can feel and SEE my movements! Since we will be moving, Mommy is thrilled to be able to go back to her favorite ob/gyn again & deliver, under his trusted care, in the same hospital that all of my sisters were born at! Our next check-up is Thursday! We are still running, when possible, although I'm not making it any easier...especially when Mommy has to stop and pee 5 or 6 times :) I think my brother is finally ready to acknowledge and accept my, in the bathtub, he hugged and kissed me for the 1st time and was so excited about it!!!!

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Hetrick family said...

Your belly kills me because it always grows OUT. Never to the sides, just forward. You look much bigger in this picture than in person!

The Shaffer Family said...

You look great --like Amy said-- you always grow out, and never gain an ounce anywhere else! I can't wait to see what you all are having. How exciting!

Anonymous said...

You look AMAZING! Such a cute baby belly...and you're still sporting a great tan! Did Emma take the picture, if she did great job EMMMA! Keep running hot mamma! Your baby is going to come out LOVING to be bounced up and down!

Fresh-You said...

It's true - Carla always (when she was younger - haven't tried in a while) sits happily and watches me running on the treadmill. When I was pregnant, I thought of that as my special time to talk to her! You sure do look great!!! You'll be flying down the rode, no baby to carry, in no time! I'm off to run outside again this afternoon! High of 50 today - yeah! Thanks for the inspiration! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

You look so good & tiny as always! Can't believe you are so far along, it has passed fast. Well easy for me to say, I'm not 27+ weeks pregnant!

Anonymous said...

Jenny....only you get smaller the further along you get! You look great! I missed the post about you guys moving & I was just thinking about that bathroom you re-did today. I hope you find a place soon if you haven't already. EMily:)

cristy said...

Gosh Jenny, you must be getting so close! I check your blog daily for updates. Lol. Maybe I should get the hint that you don't have internet access for the time being.

Anyway, we're thinking about you & hope you are feeling great. I am looking forward to you returning to your blog, & seeing a new face join the Fiscus family.