My baby is already 2!
He's so stinkin' cute, but he REALLY turned on the charm today! Of course, when you start the day off with powdered donuts and cake're bound to be H-A-P-P-Y :) Seriously though, I wish I could just bottle up everything about him right now & save it. Forever. His beaming smile. His kisses (he finally learned to pucker!). His silliness. Even the way he yells (and I mean yells) "Mom....mama.....mamom" everytime he wants to show me something or needs anything.
All of his birthday charm made for some precious memories & adorable photos.
I didn't want the day to end!
I don't know if we have a future chef on our hands, or if it was my imitation of Dana Carvey's SNL skit, "choppin' brocco-lay", but he LOVED helping chop!
Mema's number cookies are always a hit! And Luke hit them....hard.

His little party was a bit of a camping theme.....had to test out his new camp chair.
He'll be happier in it once he learns how to get out of it!

It may have taken him 2 years to get the hang of the present opening thing....but he's already a pro! The sweetest thing was the way he kept lining up his lantern, water bottle, and bubble tumbler just perfectly before he'd move on to opening the next gift.

See.....checking to make sure they're lined up!

The $2 bubble tumbler from walmart may have been his favorite gift! He was so proud of himself for learning to blow bubbles.....and he was practicing his new-found bubble blowing skills between almost every gift!

So excited about his first wheels!

His little party was a bit of a camping theme.....had to test out his new camp chair.
He'll be happier in it once he learns how to get out of it!

It may have taken him 2 years to get the hang of the present opening thing....but he's already a pro! The sweetest thing was the way he kept lining up his lantern, water bottle, and bubble tumbler just perfectly before he'd move on to opening the next gift.

See.....checking to make sure they're lined up!

The $2 bubble tumbler from walmart may have been his favorite gift! He was so proud of himself for learning to blow bubbles.....and he was practicing his new-found bubble blowing skills between almost every gift!

So excited about his first wheels!

How perfectly precious. That pook-ka-za, too much. He looks like he sure enjoyed the heck out of his special day! I LOVE all the smiles, and after hearing about him lining up his stuff, how sweet to see the pictures. AND THOSE CUPCAKES---WOW, they look DELICIOUS!! Happy 2, Pookie!
He looks like he is glowing. Seemed to have really enjoy his special day!! Thanks for posting so many photos. Happy Birthday Luke!!!!
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